Prices 2024

  Scouts2 Non-Scouts
Basic camping rate 3.75 p.p.p.n. 7.00 p.p.p.n.
Price per day (without overnight stay) 2.70 p.p.p.d. 5.25 p.p.p.d.
Additional hours per accomodation 12.50 26.00
  (min. € 135,00)   (min. € 275,00)
Camper / caravan 7.60 p.n. 11.50 p.n.
Cabin (4 people)3 23.00 p.n. 50.25 p.n.
Cabin (6 people.)3 36.25 p.n. 76.25 p.n.
Jamboree house (46 people)4,5 6.75 p.p.p.n. 14.10 p.p.p.n.
  (min. € 155.25 = 23 people)   (min. € 324.30 = 23 people)

Supplementary fees

Tourist tax (changes reserved) 1.10 p.p.p.n. 1.10 p.p.p.n.
Administration costs (per reservation) 6.50 6.50


Deposit for cabins 50.00 50.00
Deposit for Jamboree house 150.00 150.00
Deposit for key / locker 10.00 10.00


Recharge of batteries/mobile phones in lockers next to the reception 1.50 per weekend 2.50 per weekend
3.00 per week 4.50 per week
Power per connection (10 ampére) 3.50 per day 5.25 per day

  1. scoutcard1 SmallYou can use your campsite and/or accommodation as of 13:00 hours on your day of arrival. You need to check out before 12:00 hours. If your campsite is not available before noon we need to charge extra. Note: For the Jamboree House applies check in after 16:00 hours and check out before 11:00 hours.
  2. Members of Scouting Nederland must provide their member number with their booking.
  3. The prices of the cabins include gas, water and electricity, in addition you pay the basic camping rate per person.
  4. The prices of the Jamboree house include gas, water and electricity. For non-members there is an additional charge of € 135, -; mandatory cleaning costs of the Jamboree house
  5. In the winter period after the last weekend of October until the first weekend of April, the Jamboree House is subject to an additional energy surcharge of €50 per night.